

Call for papers

We provide International Sessions (English sessions) to encourage and promote presentations and discussions by foregin students and researchers.

Types of Presentations
  1. Oral presentation
    C-cube Bldg. Chikushi Hall, Kyushu University Chikushi campus.

    Projector with VGA connector (PC should be prepared by the presenter.)

    • Contributed talk
      Presentation for 15 min. & Discussion for 10 min.
        International Session: English
        Other Sessions: English or Japanese

    • Invited talk
      Presentation for 40 min. & Discussion for 10 min.
        International Session: English
        Other Sessions: English or Japanese

  2. Poster presentation
    C-cube Bldg. Gallery, Kyushu University Chikushi campus.

    • Poster board size: Width 80cm X Height 165cm
    • Best poster prize will be awarded to the student presenters of poster presentations!


Check the connection of your PC before your session, please.

About Language
  • Title, Affiliations, Authors:English
  • Abstracts:English
  • View graph(PowerPoint,etc) Poster:English
  • Language(except International session):English or Japanese

Please send any inquiries to us
All rights reserved. No reproduction or republication without written permission.