31st Symposium on Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics


The scientific program of this international symposium emphasizes current hot topics in the field of chemical kinetics and dynamics. These include experimental and theoretical studies on chemical reactions of atoms, molecules, clusters, and surfaces with various projectiles such as photons, electrons, and ions. The aim is to promote the growth and exchange of scientific information on these areas of natural sciences.

SCKD31 has successfully been completed. We thank all participants and the people who have supported SCKD31.

Best Poster Prize

Best Poster Prizes were awarded to the following presentations. Congraturations!!

  • 1P07 Mr. OKUTSU, Kenichi (Tohoku Univ.)
  • 1P10 Mr. SONODA, Kotaro (Univ. Tokyo)
  • 1P12 Mr. NAGAHATA, Yutaka (Hokkaido Univ.)
  • 2P01 Mr. SHIN, Sunghwan (Seoul National Univ.)
  • 2P06 Mr. YAJIMA, Ryoji (Hokkaido Univ.)
  • 2P17 Mr. OHMURA, Shu (Tohoku Univ.)


June 3 (Wed) - 5 (Fri), 2015


Frontier Research in Applied Sciences Bldg., Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University (Sapporo, Hokkaido, JAPAN)

Important dates

Paper entry (Oral) - March 13 (Fri)
Paper entry (Poster) - March 13 (Fri) March 19 (Thr)
Advanced registration - April 24 (Fri)
Abstract submission March 30 (Mon) - April 17 (Fri)