
NEW Time Table with Speakers and Chairs [PDF]

Invited lecture: (40 min, including discussion)
S1 "High-resolution spectroscopy of weakly bound Helium-cation complexes"
  Oskar Asvany (Cologne University, Germany)
  June 5, 14:10-14:50
S2 "Theoretical Analyses of Condensed-Phase Chemical Reactions Based on Divide-and-Conquer Density-Functional Tight-Binding Molecular Dynamics (DC-DFTB-MD) Simulations"
  Hiromi Nakai (Waseda University, Japan)
  June 5, 16:50-17:30
S3 "Evaporative Cooling of Liquid Droplets in a Vacuum"
  Akira Terasaki (Kyushu University, Japan)
  June 6, 10:20 - 11:00
S4 "Probing the Structures and Reaction Kinetics of Aerosols via Electronic and Vibrational Spectroscopy Approaches"
  Chia Chen Wang (National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan)
  June 6, 11:45 - 12:25
S5 "Ultrafast Transient Absorption Spectroscopy of Photochemical Dynamics in Solution"
  Andrew J. Orr-Ewing (University of Bristol, U.K.)
  June 6, 16:55 - 17:35
S6 "Behavior of OH Radical on an Ice Surface at Low Temperatures"
  Naoki Watanabe (Hokkaido University, Japan)
  June 7, 10:20 - 11:00

Oral presentation: (June 5-7)
1A1 - 3A4  (15 min talk with 10 min discussion)

Poster presentation:
1P1 - 1P36 (June 5, 14:50 - 16:50)
2P1 - 2P36 (June 6, 13:45 - 15:45)

Oral PresentationDay 1 (June 5)   Day 2 (June 6)  Day 3 (June 7)
Poster PresentationDay 1 (June 5)   Day 2 (June 6)

Day 1 (June 5)

11:00-11:50 (Chair: AKASE, Dai)

Environmental Coordinates in the Structural Dynamics of a Dipeptide
(1Shizuoka University)
KAWAI, Shinnosuke1

Third-body effects in thermal unimolecular reactions

11:50-13:20 Lunch time

13:20-14:50 (Chair: OHSHIMA, Yasuhiro)

Laser Spectroscopy of Tetracyanoquinodimethane (TCNQ) Isolated in a Cold Free-Jet: Unusually Long S1 Lifetime and Its Energy Dependence
(1Hiroshima University; 2Muroran Institute of Technology)
MURAMATSU, Satoru1; CHAKI, Nobumasa1; IIDA, Yuji1; KENJO, Seiya1; INOKUCHI, Yoshiya1; IIMORI, Toshifumi2; EBATA, Takayuki1

Coordination-Specific Photoelimination of Carbonyl and Nitrosyl Ligands in Transition-Metal Complex
(1Hiroshima University)
NAKATA, Hiroyuki1; NAGAMORI, Keigo1; HAZE, Misato1; YAMASAKI, Katsuyoshi1; KOHGUCHI, Hiroshi1

High-resolution spectroscopy of weakly bound Helium-cation complexes
Oskar Asvany
(Cologne University, Germany)

14:50-16:50 Poster presentation, Day 1 (1P1 - 1P36)

16:50-18:20 (Chair: NANBU, Shinkoh)

Theoretical Analyses of Condensed-Phase Chemical Reactions Based on Divide-and-Conquer Density-Functional Tight-Binding Molecular Dynamics (DC-DFTB-MD) Simulations
(Waseda University, Japan)
Hiromi Nakai

Ab initio nonadiabatic molecular dynamics study on the photodissociation of acetone at 195 nm
YU, Le1; TAKAHASHI, Masahiko1
(IMRAM, Tohoku University1)

From static to dynamic picture: elucidation of dynamics effects from on-the-fly trajectory analyses
TSUTSUMI, Takuro1; ONO, Yuriko2; ARAI, Zin3; TAKETSUGU, Tetsuya1,2,4
(1Graduate School of Chemical Sciences and Engineering, Hokkaido University; 2Institute for Chemical Reaction Design and Discovery (WPI-ICReDD), Hokkaido University; 3Academy of Emerging Sciences, Chubu University; 4Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University)

Day 2 (June 6)

9:30-11:00 (Chair: FUSHITANI, Mizuho)

Enhancement and modulation of the B2Σu+-X2Σg+ lasing of N2+ at 391 nm by the A2Πu-X2Σg+ pumping using intense near-IR few-cycle laser pulses
ANDO, Toshiaki1; LÖTSTEDT, Erik1; IWASAKI, Atsushi1; LI, Helong2; FU, Yao2; WANG, Siqi2; XU, Huailiang2,3; YAMANOUCHI, Kaoru1
(1The University of Tokyo, Japan; 2Jilin University, China; 3East China Normal University, China)

Electron impact excitation spectroscopy of excited H2 molecule
HIROI, Takashi1; MORIMOTO, Yuya2,3; KANYA, Reika1; YAMANOUCHI, Kaoru1
(1School of Science, The University of Tokyo; 2Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich; 3Max-Planck-Institute of Quantum Optics)

Evaporative Cooling of Liquid Droplets in a Vacuum
Akira Terasaki
(Kyushu University, Japan)

11:00-11:20 Coffee break

11:20-12:25 (Chair: HORIO, Takuya)

Anion species dependence of solvent molecular orientation at an electrode / electrolyte solution interface
SAYAMA Atsushi1,2; NIHONYANAGI Satoshi1,3; OHSHIMA Yasuhiro2; TAHARA Tahei1,2,3
(1Molecular Spectroscopy Laboratory, RIKEN; 2Department of Chemistry, Tokyo Institute of Technology; 3Ultrafast Spectroscopy Research Team, RIKEN Center for Advanced Photonics (RAP))

Probing the Structures and Reaction Kinetics of Aerosols via Electronic and Vibrational Spectroscopy Approaches
Chia Chen Wang
(National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan)

12:25-13:45 Lunch time

13:45-15:45 Poster presentation, Day 2 (2P1 - 2P36)

15:45-16:35 (Chair: YAMAZAKI, Masakazu)

Solvated Electron Formation from Conduction Band of Liquid Methanol
YAMAMOTO, Yoichi1; SUZUKI, Toshinori1
(1Kyoto University)

Non-adiabatic ab initio Molecular Dynamics on Ultra-violet Photodissociation of Methylamine
TAKAKU, Yurika1; NANBU, Shinkoh1
(1Sophia University)

16:35-16:55 Coffee break

16:55-18:25 (Chair: HONMA, Kenji)

Ultrafast Transient Absorption Spectroscopy of Photochemical Dynamics in Solution
Andrew J. Orr-Ewing
(University of Bristol, U.K.)

H-up proton order at ice Ih surface revealed by heterodyne-detected sum frequency generation spectroscopy and theoretical modeling
NOJIMA, Yuki1; TORII, Hajime2; YAMAGUCHI, Shoichi3
(1Saitama University; 2Shizuoka University)

Liquid-like behavior of water ice induced by vacuum ultraviolet irradiation at low temperatures
HAMA, Tetsuya1; TACHIBANA, Shogo2; KOUCHI, Akira1; OBA, Yasuhiro1; PIANI, Laurette3; HIDAKA, Hiroshi1; KIMURA, Yuki1; MURATA, Ken-ichiro1; YURIMOTO, Hisayoshi4,5; WATANABE, Naoki1
(1Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University; 2Department of Earth and Planetary Science, The University of Tokyo, 3Centre de Recherches Pétrographiques et Géochimiques, France; 4Department of Natural History Sciences, Hokkaido University; 5Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency)

18:30- Transportation by BUS

19:00-21:00 Banquet at HAKUWA

Day 3 (June 7)

9:30-11:00 (Chair: NAKAJIMA, Atsushi)

Interface-specific reaction pathways of monoterpene carbocations
Ishizuka, Shinnosuke1; Matsugi, Akira2; Hama, Tetsuya3; Enami, Shinichi1
(1National Institute for Environmental Studies; 2National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology; 3Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University)

Mechanism of Chain Polymerization in Self-Assembled Monolayers of Diacetylene on Graphite Surface
Takajo, Daisuke1; Sudoh, Koichi1
(1Osaka University)

Behavior of OH Radical on an Ice Surface at Low Temperatures
Naoki Watanabe
(Hokkaido University, Japan)

11:00-11:20 Coffee break

11:20-12:10 (Chair: ITAKURA, Ryuji)

Electron-ion coincidence spectroscopy of Xe 4d double-core-hole states in strong XUV-FEL fields
FUSHITANI, Mizuho 1,2; SASAKI,Yuma 1; KAWABE, Yoshitaka 1; FUJISE, Hikaru 1; HASHIGAYA, Kasumi 1; MATSUDA, Akitaka 1; OWADA, Shigeki 2; TOGASHI, Tadashi 2,3; NAKAJIMA, Kyo 3; YABASHI, Makina, 2,3; HIKOSAKA, Yasumasa 2,4; HISHIKAWA, Akiyoshi 1,2
(1Nagoya Univ.; 2RIKEN, SPring-8 Center; 3JASRI; 4Univ. of Toyama)

Non-adiabatic dynamics of benzene and its methyl derivatives studied by vacuum-UV time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy
ADACHI, Shunsuke1; SUZUKI, Takuya1; KUDO, Shotaro1; SUZUKI, Toshinori1
(1Kyoto University)

* Candidate for the Best Poster Prize.

Day 1 (June, 5, 14:50 - 16:50)

Dissociative ionization of O2 via B2Σg+ and 32Πu states of O2+ induced by intense XUV attosecond pulse trains
Fukahori, Shinichi1,2; Matsubara, Takuya1,2; Nabekawa, Yasuo2; Yamanouchi, Kaoru1; Midorikawa, Katsumi2
(1Department of Chemistry, School of Science, The University of Tokyo; 2Attosecond Science Research Team, RIKEN Center for Advanced Photonics)

VUV waveform characterization by reflectivity depletion in laser ablation of Si
ITAKURA, Ryuji1; AKAGI, Hiroshi1; OTOBE, Tomohito1
(1Kansai Photon Science Intsitute, QST)

Three-dimensional molecular frame momentum distribution of tunneling electrons from O2 in intense laser fields
IKEYA, Daimu1; FUJISE, Hikaru1; NAKAMURA, Takeru1; MATSUDA, Akitaka1; FUSHITANI, Mizuho1; HISHIKAWA, Akiyoshi1,2
(1Nagoya University; 2Research Center for Materials Science)

Coulomb Explosion Method for Determination of Bond Lengths of Homonuclear Diatomic Species
EGASHIRA, Kazuhiro1
(Genesis Research Institute, Inc.)

Time-Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Acetone with 9.3 eV Photoexcitation
HORIO, Takuya1; UENISHI, Ryuta1; FUKUOKA, Kanae1; YAMAMOTO, Yo-ichi1; SUZUKI, Toshinori1
(1Kyoto University)

Control of large amplitude vibration and rotation of biphenyl and its derivatives by ultrashort laser pulses
NIKAIDO, Makoto1; MIZUSE, Kenta1; OHSHIMA, Yasuhiro1
(1Tokyo Institute of Technology)

Inner structures and Molecular dynamics simulation of plastic crystal
IKUTA, Yusuke1; ISHIHARA, Koki1; ISHIMOTO, Syuichi2; KUBOTA, Satoshi2; FUJITA, Masahiro1; NANBU, Shinkoh1
(1Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Sophia University; 2Nippon Chemi-Con Corporation, Japan)

Reaction pathways and dynamical effects on the CF3+ + CO collision reaction
ODA, Kohei1; TSUTSUMI, Takuro1; FURUYA, Kenji2; TAKETSUGU, Tetsuya1,3,4
(1Graduate School of Chemical Sciences and Engineering, Hokkaido University, Japan; 2Faculty of Arts and Science, Kyushu University, Japan; 3Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, Japan; 4Institute for Chemical Reaction Design and Discovery (WPI-ICReDD), Hokkaido University, Japan)

Nonadiabatic ab initio Molecular Dynamics of Photoisomerization Reaction between 1,3-Cyclohexadiene and 1,3,5-cis-Hexatriene
MORIWAKI, Kenta1; OHTA, Ayumi1; KOBAYASHI, Osamu1; NANBU, Shinkoh1
(1Sophia University)

Theoretical study of olefin polymerization process by (pyridylamido)hafnium(IV) catalyst using computational chemical methods
MISAWA, Nana1; SUZUKI, Yuichi1; NAGAOKA, Masataka1,2
(1Nagoya University; 2CREST/JST)

Investigation of the energy levels of quantum dots simulated with a well potential: Investigation of the external electric field effect
Nakamura, Ibuki1; Fujisaka, Hisato1; Fukushima, Masaru1
(1Faculty of Information Sciences, Hiroshima City University)

Rate coefficients and the mechanism of quenching of electronically excited S(3p34p 3P) by collisions with He and N2
Kawabata, Daigo1; Tendo, Shogo1; Shin, Jongsik1; Kohguchi, Hiroshi1; Yamasaki, Katsuyoshi1
(1Hiroshima University)

ESR spectral change in L-alanine-3,3,3-d3 and L-alanine-d4 -A new pathway to produce the de-hydrogen radical-
(1Tokyo Metropolitan Industrial Technology Research Institute)

Two-photon absorption of Br(4p45p ← 4p5) detected with infrared and vacuum ultraviolet emission
Tendo, Shogo1; Nishimura, Ayaka1; Kohguchi, Hiroshi1; Yamasaki, Katsuyoshi1
(1Hiroshima University)

The photochemical reactions of aromatic compounds with carbon tetrahalides (CCl4, CBr4)
(KOBE City College of Technology)

Effect of Central Metal on NO Photoelimination Reactions of (η5-C5H5)M(CO)2NO (M = Cr, Mo, W)
NAGAMORI, Keigo1; NAKATA, Hiroyuki1; HAZE, Misato1; MATSUGI, Takeru1; MIZUTA, Tsutomu1; YAMASAKI, Katsuyoshi1; KOHGUCHI, Hiroshi1
(1Hiroshima University)

Visible photodissociation of (NO)2,3+ studied by ion imaging and theoretical calculations
ITO, Yuri1; NAKASHIMA, Yuji1; OKUTSU, Kenichi1; NAKANO, Motoyoshi1; OHSHIMO, Keijiro1; MISAIZU, Fuminori1
(1Tohoku University)

Photodissociation dynamics of oriented halothane
CHE, Dock-Chil1; NAKAMURA, Masaaki1; LIN, King-Chuen1; KASAI, Toshio1; PALAZETTI, Federico1; AQUILANTI, Vinzenzo1
(1Osaka University; 2National Taiwan University; 3Perugia University)

Photodissociation dynamics study of dimethylamine: CH3 product detection and theoretical calculations
WANGCHINGCHAI, Peerapat1; ONITSUKA, Yuuki1; YAMASAKI, Katsuyoshi1; KOHGUCHI, Hiroshi1
(1Hiroshima University)

Melting proteins in microdroplets induced by laser heating
HONMA, Kenji1; WOODALL, Daniel W.2; CLEMMER, David E.2
(2Graduate School of Material Science, University of Hyogo; 2Department of Chemistry, Indiana University)

Cluster effect on inclusion complexation of tetraalkylammonium chlorides with cucurbit[7]uril
(1Okayama University)

Impact of atmospheric water vapor on the kinetics of thermal decomposition of Mg(OH)2
KODANI, Satoki1; IWASAKI, Shun1; KOGA, Nobuyoshi1
(1Hiroshima University)

Rotational perturbation in the excited 1Πu electronic state of SiOSi
Fukushima, Masaru1; Ishiwata, Takashi1
(1Hiroshima City Univ.)

Development of a Laser Photolysis / Continuous Wave Cavity Ring-Down Spectrometer for Kinetics Measurements
YONEYAMA, Kazuki1; JINDO, Tsukasa1; TAGUCHI, Ko1; KANNO, Nozomu1
(1Meijo University)

High-Resolution Laser Spectroscopy of A-X Transition of Nitrogen Dioxide
KASAHARA, Shunji1; YOSHIZAWA, Takumi1; HIRATA, Michihiro1; TADA, Kohei2
(1Kobe University; 2Kyoto University)

UV Spectroscopy of Cold Ag+–Benzo-Crown Ether Complexes in the Gas Phase
Kitamura, Yuma1; Satoru, Muramatsu1; Takayuki, Ebata1; Yoshiya, Inokuchi1
(1Hiroshima University)

Electronic spectra of jet-cooled Imidazo[1,2,a]pyridine and its hydrogen-bonded clusters
YAMADA,Yuji1; MAEDA, Miku1; NIBU, Yoshinori1
(1Fukuoka University)

Topologically distinct isomers of hydrogen-bonded clusters represented by digraphs
AKASE, Dai1,2; AIDA, Misako1,2
(1Hiroshima University; 2QuLiS)

Two-dimensional correlation IR spectroscopy of pyrrole-acetone binary large clusters
MATSUMOTO, Yoshiteru1
(1Shizuoka University)

SEIRA spectroscopic study of lanthanide complexes with bis(4-mercaptobutyl)phosphinic acid
HIRATA, Sakiko1; HIRAO, Takehiro1; HAINO, Takeharu1; KAJIYA, Daisuke1,2; SAITOW, Ken-ichi1,2; MURAMATSU, Satoru1; EBATA, Takayuki1; INOKUCHI, Yoshiya1
(1Hiroshima University; 2Natural Science Center for Basic Research and Development (N-BARD))

Probing the molecular structure of the intact leaf cuticle by polarization modulation-infrared reflection-absorption spectroscopy
HAMA, Tetsuya1; SEKI, Kousuke2; ISHIBASHI, Atsuki1; MIYAZAKI, Ayane1; KOUCHI, Akira1; WATANABE, Naoki1; SHIMOAKA, Takafumi3; HASEGAWA, Takeshi3
(1Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University; 2Nagano Vegetable and Ornamental Crops Experiment Station; 3Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University)

Dissociation pathway of methylbenzoate dication following core excitation: Analysis using graph theory
FUTAMATA, Nozomu1; Osamu Takahashi1
(1Hiroshima University)

Ion desorption measurement using pulsed HV-type TOF mass spectrometer at HiSOR
YAMAMOTO, Kamon1; HIKOSAKA, Yasumasa2; WADA, Shin-ichi1,3
(1Department of Physical Science, Hiroshima University; 2Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Toyama; 3HSRC, Hiroshima University)

X-ray emission spectroscopy of aqueous 1-propanol solutions
Akihiro, Kento1,2; Takahashi, Osamu1,2; Yamamura, Ryosuke1,2; Futamata, Nozomu1,2; Oura, Masaki2; Horikawa, Yuka2,3
(1Hiroshima University; 2Riken; 3Yamaguchi University)

Study on electronic states of inclusion compounds with cyclodextrin and copper ion
NAKAMURA, Yoshihiko1; NOBUE, Ryuta1; YOSHIDA, Hiroaki1,2
(1Department of phsical science, Hiroshima University; 2Hiroshima Synchrotron Radiation Center, Hiroshima University)

Development of a Delay Pulse Generator
TOYODA, Tomonori1; CHIBA, Hisashi2; TAKEI, Nobuyuki1,3; OHMORI, Kenji1
(1Institute for Molecular Science; 2Iwate University; 3Kyoto University)

Day 2 (June, 6, 13:45 - 15:45)

Oxidation mechanism of PAHs in gas phase: naphthalene and related intermediate
Kikkawa, Koudai1; Murakami, Yoshinori2; Oguchi, Tatsuo1
(1Toyohashi Univ. of Tech.; 2Natl. Inst. of Tech., Nagaoka Col.)

Pyrolysis of CH3I behind reflected shock waves
YASUNAGA, Kenji1; MURAKAMI, Yoshinori2; SUGITANI, Yasuki1; YAMADA, Hiroshi1
(1National Defense Academy of Japan; 2National Institute of technology, Nagaoka College)

High temperature combustion modeling of unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine
HASHIMOTO, Keita1; KANNO, Nozomu1
(1Meijo University)

Algebraic geometric analysis of chemical reaction based on anharmonic downward distortion
EBISAWA, Shuichi1; TSUTSUMI, Takuro1; TAKETSUGU, Tetsuya1,2,3
(1Graduate School of Chemical Science and Engineering, Hokkaido University; 2Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University; 3Institute for Chemical Reaction Design and Discovery (WPI-ICReDD), Hokkaido University)

Structure search of two-dimensional silicon using the generalized scaled hypersphere search method with the rapid nuclear motion approximation
MIDORO, Yuuki1; KODAYA, Yoshitomo1; YAMAKADO, Hideo1; OHNO, Koichi2,3
(1Wakayama University; 2Institute for Quantum Chemical Exploration; 3Tohoku University)

Ab initio dynamics study on the excited-state intramolecular proton transfer and dissociation of ortho-nitrophenol
WADA, Satoi1; TSUTSUMI, Takuro1; NITTA, Yuuki2; SEKIKAWA, Taro2; TAKETSUGU, Tetsuya1,3,4
(1Graduate School of Chemical Sciences and Engineering, Hokkaido University; 2Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University; 3Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University; 4Institute for Chemical Reaction Design and Discovery (WPI-ICReDD), Hokkaido University)

Development of atomic momentum spectroscopy using a pulsed electron technique for real-time observation of atomic motion in a reacting molecule
TACHIBANA, Yuichi1; YAMAZAKI, Masakazu2; TAKAHASHI, Masahiko1
(1Tohoku University; 2Tokyo Institute of Technology)

Photoelectron Angular Distributions of gas phase molecule in terms of Multiple-Scattering theory
Fukiko Ota1; Didier Sébilleau3; Naoki Nakatani4; Kaoru Yamazaki5; Kiyoshi Ueda6; Keisuke Hatada2
(1Graduate School of Science and Engineering for Education, University of Toyama; 2Faculty of Science, University of Toyama; 3Département Matériaux Nanosciences, IPR, UMR UR1-CNRS 6251, Universitide Rennes; 4Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Metropolitan University; 5Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University; 6Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials, Tohoku University)

Spatiotemporal observation of the hyperfine depolarization in NO (A2Σ+)
IKEDA, Dai1; MIZUSE, Kenta1; OHSHIMA, Yasuhiro1
(1Tokyo Institute of Technology)

State distribution of CH3 and HCO products in ultraviolet photodissociation of N,N-dimethylformamide
SHINOHARA Ryo1; INOUE Kosuke1; YAMASAKI Katsuyoshi1; KOHGUCHI Hiroshi1
(1Hiroshima University)

Are entangled atom-pairs produced in photodissociation of H2 ?
TORIZUKA, Yutaro1; HOSAKA, Kouich1; SCHMIDT, Philipp2; ODAGIRI, Takeshi3; KNIE, Andre2; EHRESMANN, Arno2; KOUGO, Ryoko1; KITAJIMA, Masashi1; KOUCHI, Noriyuki1
(1Department of Chemistry, Tokyo Institute of Technology; 2Institute of Physics University of Kassel; 3Department of Materials and Life Sciences, Sophia University)

Photoelimination Reaction Dynamics of CO and NO from (η5-C5H5)W(CO)2NO
HAZE, Misato1; NAKATA, Hiroyuki1; NAGAMORI, Keigo1; MATSUGI, Takeru1; MIZUTA, Tsutomu1; YAMASAKI, Katsuyoshi1; KOHGUCHI, Hiroshi1
(1Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University)

Elucidation of exceptional electrocyclic reaction dynamics of a dithiazolylarylene derivative
NAGASAKA, Tatsuhiro1; SOTOME, Hikaru1; SEI, Ryosuke1; KAWAI, Tsuyoshi2; MIYASAKA, Hiroshi1
(1Osaka University; 2Nara Institute of Science and Technology)

Study on nonradiative decay process and transcis photoisomerization of the most simple cinnamate
KINOSHITA, Shin-nosuke1; INOKUCHI, Yoshiya1; NAGAMORI, Keigo1; NAKATA, Hiroyuki1; ONITSUKA, Yuuki1; KOHGUCHI, Hiroshi1; AKAI, Nobuyuki2; SHIRAOGAWA, Takafumi3,4; EHARA, Masahiro3,4; YAMAZAKI, Kaoru5; HARABUCHI, Yu6,7; MAEDA, Satoshi6; TAKETSUGU, Tetsuya6; EBATA, Takayuki1
(1Hiroshima Univ.; 2Tokyo Univ. of A & T; 3IMS; 4SOKENDAI; 5Tohoku Univ.; 6Hokkaido Univ.; 7JST-Presto)

Formation of closed-shell sodium oxide cluster cations investigated by ion mobility mass spectrometry
Nakano, Motoyoshi1; Ishimura, Yudai1; Hotta, Riki1; Hebiguchi, Daiki1; Nagata, Toshiaki1; Misaizu, Fuminori1
(1Tohoku University)

Real-time probing of ultrafast dissociation dynamics of electronically excited N2+ created by high-order harmonics of near-IR femtosecond laser pulses
YAMADA, Kana1; ANDO, Toshiaki1; IWASAKI, Atsushi1; YAMANOUCHI, Kaoru1
(1The University of Tokyo)

Asymmetric fragmentation of CH4 in phase-locked two-color intense laser fields
Hasegawa, Hiroka1; Fujise, Hikaru1; Matsuda, Akitaka1; Hishikawa, Akiyoshi1,2
(1Nagoya university; 2RCMS)

Excited-state populations of laser-driven He by multiconfiguration time-dependent Hartree-Fock method
LÖTSTEDT, Erik1; SZIDAROVSZKY, Tamás2; FAISAL, Farhad H. M.3; KATO, Tsuyoshi1; YAMANOUCHI, Kaoru1
(1The University of Tokyo; 2Eötvös Loránd University; 3Bielefeld University)

Time-resolved reflection spectroscopy of liquid-sheet jet of water excited by intense laser pulses
ENDO, Tomoyuki1; TSUBOUCHI, Masaaki1; ITAKURA, Ryuji1

Study on initial dissolution dynamics of CO 2 at the gas-liquid interface by using an ionic liquid beam
OHOYAMA, Hiroshi1; TERAMOTO, Takahiro1
(1Osaka University)

Selective observation of multicolor multistep photoisomerization reaction in laser excitation
KISHI, Yuuya1; WADA, Akihide1
(1Kobe University)

Kinetic evaluation of antioxidant activities of olive extract and its components against reactive oxygen species by using ESR spin-trapping method
NII, Risako1; SUEISHI, Yoshimi1
(1Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University)

Temperature dependence of the current-voltage characteristics of organic solar cells
TAKUMA, Katsunari1; WATAI, Ryohei1; FUJIYA, Takumu1; HIGASHIMURA, Ayano1; MITSUKE, Koichiro1
(1Josai Univ. Fac. Sci.)

Surface reactions of O2 enhanced by subsurface argon nanobubbles at Pd(111)
WATANABE, Kazuo1; TANABE, Hiroki1; HAYASHI, Kazutaka1; HOSOI, Shun1; HAMA, Naoki1; YOKOTA, Yukie1
(1Tokyo University of Science)

Charge State Dependence of Oxidative Reactivity for Aluminum Superatoms Deposited on Organic Substrate
INOUE, Tomoya1; SHIBUTA, Masahiro2; TSUNOYAMA, Hironori1; NAKAJIMA, Atsushi1,2
(1Keio University; 2KiPAS)

H2 formation on a low-temperature diamondlike carbon surface
TSUGE, Masashi1; HAMA, Tetsuya1; KIMURA, Yuki1; KOUCHI, Akira1; WATANABE, Naoki1
(1Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University)

Impact of atmospheric water vapor on the kinetics of the induction period of the thermal dehydration of lithium sulfate monohydrate
YAMAMOTO,Yui1; FAVERGEON, Loic2; KOGA,Nobuyoshi1
(1Hiroshima University, 2Mines Saint-Etienne)

Development of a new method for selective detection of ROx radicals and determination of radical yields
Kohno, Nanase1; Li, Jiaru1; Zhou, Jun1; Murano, Kentaro1; Sakamoto, Yosuke1,2; Kajii, Yoshizumi1,2
(1Kyoto University; 2NIES)

Rate coefficients for vibrational relaxation of S2(X3Σg-) by collisions with He
Kobayashi, Kei1; Tendo, Shogo1; Kohguchi, Hiroshi1; Yamasaki, Katsuyoshi1
(1Hiroshima University)

The effects of solvents for the photochemical reactions of aromatics with carbon tetrachloride
NAKAZAWA, Shinta1; WATANABE, Akihiro1
(1KOBE City College of Technology)

Interpretation of toluene secondary aerosol yield curves by peroxy radical autoxidation chemistry
SATO, Kei1; MORINO, Yu1; TANABE, Kiyoshi1; IMAMURA, Takashi1; RAMASAMY, Sathiyamurthi1; FUSHIMI, Akihiro1; ENAMI, Shinichi1; INOMATA, Satoshi1; TAKAMI, Akinori1
(1National Institute for Environmental Studies)

Rate coefficient for quenching of electronically excited O(2p33p 3P) by collisions with He
Tanimoto,Yuki1; Tendo, Shogo1; Kohguchi, Hiroshi1; Yamasaki, Katsuyoshi1
(1Hiroshima University)

Extreme ultraviolet superfluorescence from helium ions
HARRIES, James1; IWAYAMA, Hiroshi2; KUMA, Susumu3; OWADA, Sigeki3; INOUE, Ichiro3; TOGASHI, Tadashi4; IIZAWA, Masatomi5; SUZUKI, Norihiro5; AZUMA, Yoshiro5; SHIGEMASA, Eiji2
(1QST; 2UVSOR/IMS; 3RIKEN; 4JASRI; 5Sophia University)

Soft x-ray spectroscopy study of MIL-53(Al): insights into the breathing mechanism and the structure of confined water
UGALINO, Ralph1; YAMAZOE, Kosuke1; MIYAWAKI, Jun1,2; CUI, Yi Tao1; KOSEGAWA, Yuka1; WATANABE, Ryusuke1; TSUKADA, Tomoyuki1; HARADA, Yoshihisa1,2
(1Department of Advanced Materials Science, The University of Tokyo; 2Synchrotron Radiation Research Organization (SRRO), The University of Tokyo)

Site-selective soft X-ray emission study of carboxylic acids in aqueous solutions
YAMAMURA, Ryousuke1,2; SUENAGA, Taiga1,2; TOKUSHIMA, Takashi3; TAKAHASHI, Osamu1,2
(1Hiroshima University; 2RIKEN SPring-8 Center; 3Lund University)

Development of a NIM Module adaptor
CHIBA, Hisashi1; TOYODA, Tomonori2 ; TAKEI, Nobuyuki2,3 ; OHMORI Kenji2
( 1Iwate University; 2Institute for Molecular Science; 3Kyoto University)