32nd Symposium on Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics
- The scientific program of this international symposium emphasizes current hot topics in the field of chemical kinetics and dynamics. These include experimental and theoretical studies on chemical reactions of atoms, molecules, clusters, and surfaces with various projectiles such as photons, electrons, and ions. The aim is to promote the growth and exchange of scientific information on these areas of natural sciences.
SCKD32 has successfully been completed. We thank all participants and the people who have supported SCKD32.
Best Poster Prize
Best Poster Prizes were awarded to the following presentations. Congraturations!!
- 1P20 Mr. SUZUKI, Yudai (Saitama Univ.)
- 1P37 Ms. MASHIKO, Takako (Yokohama City Univ.)
- 2P13 Mr. MURAMATSU, Satoru (Univ. Tokyo)
- 2P21 Mr. OKUMURA, Takuma (Tokyo Inst. Tech.)
- 2P25 Mr. ONITSUKA, Yuuki (Hiroshima Univ.)
June 1 (Wed) - 3 (Fri), 2016
Invited Speakers
- "Geometric Phase Effect in Ultracold Chemistry"
Prof. Balakrishnan Naduvalath (Univ. of Nevada-Las Vegas, USA) - "Water interfaces: hydrogen bonding through the eye of vibrational spectroscopy"
Prof. Alexander V. Benderskii (Univ. of Southern California, USA) - "Atmospheric Oxidation Mechanisms of Amines"
Dr. Gabriel Da Silva (Univ. of Melbourne, Australia) - "Ultrafast Dynamics of Carriers at Hybrid Organic / Inorganic Semiconductor Interfaces"
Prof. Oliver Monti (Univ. of Arizona, USA) - "Simple and accurate nonadiabatic switching probability for trajectory-based non-Born-Oppenheimer molecular dynamics simulations"
Prof. Chaoyuan Zhu (National Chiao-Tung Univ., Taiwan) - "Theoretical understanding on gas phase Criegee intermediate decay processes"
Dr. Kaito Takahashi (Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Taiwan) - "Visualizing chemical reactions in solution with femtosecond X-ray scattering"
Prof. Shinichi Adachi (High Energy Accelarator Research Organization, Japan) - "Recent Progresses in Solution-processed Perovskite Solar Cells and Optoelectronic Devices"
Prof. Tsutomu Miyasaka (Toin Univ. of Yokohama, Japan)
Sonic City Hall (Saitama, JAPAN)
Important dates
Paper entry (Oral) | - March 11 (Fri) |
Paper entry (Poster) | - |
Abstract submission | April 4 (Mon) - April 15 (Fri) |
Advanced registration | - April 22 (Fri) |