39th Symposium on Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics

About presentations

1. Oral presentation
  • Contributed talk:
    Presentation for 15 min. & Discussion for 10 min.
  • Invited lecture:
    Presentation for 40 min. (including discussion)
  • Special lecture:
    Presentation for 50 min. (including discussion)
  • Venue: Large conference room (3rd floor)

  • Please bring your own laptop and check if your presentaion file works well "before" your talk.
    In case that your laptop is in a bad mood, we request you to prepare a USB memory with your presentation file.
    Since we provide only VGA and HDMI cables on site, please bring your own conversion adapter.

2. Poster presentation
  • The duration of the poster presentation is 90 minutes.
  • Venue: Display area A (3rd floor)

  • Poster board size: 2,100(H) * 920(W)mm
    The best poster prize will be awarded to Students' presenteters!

About Language

 ・Title, Affiliations, Authors:English
 ・Materials (PowerPoint, Poster, etc.):English