Call for papers
- Experimental and theoretical studies on chemical reaction dynamics (including the excitation to and relaxation of the excited states) in the gas phase, condensed phase, surface, and interface are the topics of discussion.
Types of Presentations
1. Oral presentation
Venue: Small Hall
Type of Presentation: Projector with VGA or HDMI connector.
(PC should be prepared by the presenter. Please prepare your own conversion adapter if you use Thnderbolt terminal (Mac).)
Language: Engilish
· Contributed talk
Presentation for 15 min. & Discussion for 10 min.
· Invited talk
Presentation for 40 min. (including discussion)
2. Poster presentation
Venue: Salon Hall and Civic Gallery
Poster board size: Width 113 cm X Height 163 cm
The best poster prize will be awarded to the students' presenters!
Check the connection of your PC before your session, please.
About Language
・Title, Affiliations, Authors:English
・View graph(PowerPoint,etc) Poster:English